On Eagles’ Wings teams plant Gospel seeds

By July 22, 2013

USA (MNN) — A U.S. ministry is forging new trails among a forgotten people group.


(Image courtesy RHM)

(Image courtesy RHM)

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries is starting the third week of Summer of Hope, an annual outreach to Native American youth. This year, the On Eagles’ Wings team is made up of 53 Native American young people from 30 different tribes.

On Elk Island Reservation, the last reservation visited by OEW teams, there was no Gospel presence at all.

The murders have made them hard, reads the latest OEW report. The burning homes. The drugs everywhere. And so little Light.

One man brought the darkness surrounding this reservation to public eye in 2011. His horrific crime required federal prosecution, and earlier this year he received two life terms in prison for murder and aggravated sexual abuse.

A federal attorney described his crime as “among the most contemptible and horrific crimes one can commit.”

When OEW members tried to talk about Christ, the young people on this reservation went blank or went away. And yet, hearts began to soften as team members shared the hope of Christ.

One was ten-year-old Lisa who Jenny (Navajo) led to Christ. Lisa prayed, “Jesus, I want to live. Please take away my imaginary friends.”

Those ‘imaginary friends’ have told her she was ugly and should kill herself.

Another OEW warrior led Marie to Jesus on that first embattled night. That night she promised Jesus she was done drinking. Then she brought her sister the next night – and she, too, met Jesus.

In the end, a total of 13 young people came forward to trust Jesus as their Savior.

Usually, Summer of Hope outreaches take place on reservations with an established church presence, where new believers can go to receive the spiritual food and mentoring they need. Since there isn’t a church serving this Native community, it appeared these believers’ newfound hope would fade quickly.

However, the manager of a local Christian radio station soon stepped up to the plate. After gathering some other local believers, they met with Ron Hutchcraft to discuss follow-up plans.

Ask the Lord to bless their efforts. Pray these new believers will not fall away from their faith.

To watch a video summary of this latest outreach to Elk Island Reservation, click here.

Pray OEW outreach teams will keep sharing the Gospel boldly.


  • Davis Juma says:

    My fellow soldiers in the kingdom.
    Praise the Lord,
    I am pastor Davis Juma from Western Kenya. My passion is evangelism and church planting. I traveled in the some areas in Kenya and I have really been touched because the gospel has not been fully reached there. This is why I am writing to you so that we can partner to reach the souls there for Christ and plant churches. May God help us to focus our eyes on the harvest and make it our business to bring it in. Please chech these videos of my recent mission below.
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    God bless you and grant you good health-3John2.
    Yours In His Service,
    Pastor Davis Ochieno Juma.





  • Greetings in the compassion Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
    Thanks for your compassion service in Jesus to build the Kingdom of God in this world.
    Dear Friends in Jesus, We want your kind Fellowship in Jesus and your Holy prayers in the Holy Spirit.
    Please pray for the Gospel work in India, AP and for
    the church prayer hall in PONNUR
    Please pray for the Pastor and his Family care .
    [email protected]
    Your Brother in His Service,
    Bro Jesus Padam

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