On Eagles’ Wings: becoming fit for Kingdom service

By June 5, 2024
Unsplash, stock photo, man, barbell, weightlifting, fitness

USA (MNN) — How fit are you for service to God?  This is a question that the new Leadership Training Center with On Eagles’ Wings helps its students address — and they look at things not just spiritually but also physically. 

On Eagles Wings Leadership Center
(Photo courtesy of Hutchcraft Ministries)

“One of the things that we are really passionate about is discipleship, but a holistic approach,” says Nick Liew. “Some of the things that we tend to see in the capital-C Church is a focus on some of the obvious things, like, ‘Hey, don’t drink and don’t smoke.’

“Those things are, yes, very much important,” he continues, “But there seems to be a neglect on taking care of your body — what you’re putting into it, being active.”

Liew serves as the coordinator for On Eagles’ Wings, a division of Hutchcraft Ministries serving Native communities. He says a young girl once asked a leader on the team why all the Christians she knew were out of shape. 

“That was a wild question to me, because I was like, ‘Would that same question be appropriate if it was, “Why do all Christians steal? Why do all Christians lie?”’” Liew says. God has bought our bodies with a price (1 Corinthians 6:19–20), and honoring God with our bodies also requires caring for our physical fitness.

On Eagles’ Wings recently finished construction on its new Leadership Training Center, which includes a gymnasium. Their year-long internship program for Native young people requires three days of personal fitness per week, in addition to discipleship, classroom training, mentorship and more. 

“For a lot of (the students), they had a misconception of ‘Why should I work out? Is it just to be around the outward appearance of looking good?’” Liew says. 

“It’s actually a command that we take care of our bodies, but it also has its spiritual implications.”

He explains that a person might know Jesus, know scripture and be sharing their faith and life with others. But physical limitations such as shortness of breath or injuries can prevent someone from being able to serve in long days of ministry. 

Nick Liew, On Eagles' Wings, Hutchcraft Ministries

Photo of Nick Liew’s family courtesy of Hutchcraft Ministries

It points back to Jesus. “He didn’t walk this tightrope of ‘this is spiritual, and this is humanity.’ He existed in both,” Liew says. 

“We’re supposed to be the body of Christ, and there’s no separation in whether it be finances, relationships, business or going to church or small groups or whatever it may be. We’re supposed to involve all of that. Everything that we do has a spiritual component.” 

Pray for the students who will be involved in the Leadership Training Center starting this July. Pray that they would grow this upcoming year in fitness for serving God and bringing hope to their homelands. 

Learn more about the Leadership Training Center with On Eagles’ Wings here. 



Header photo is a representative stock image courtesy of Victor Freitas/Unsplash.

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