International (MNN) — As Operation Mobilization LUKE, of the UK, changes its focus, they also change their name. What's the new name? OM Lifehope.
OM Lifehope's Gary Sloan and Steve Critchlow wrote this in a letter explaining the decision to change their name: "Today God is opening up many new opportunities for OM LUKE to engage with local communities – bringing life and hope in Jesus Christ. In response to the needs and challenges facing us in multi-cultural Britain, teams are working in partnership with churches to demonstrate and share the Gospel right in the heart of the community. We are pioneering and developing ministries that address people's needs on every level – emotional, physical, spiritual and social."
Their commitment to discipleship has not changed. Their passion for evangelism is not lessened. The new name is intended to reflect more clearly their desire to see lives and communities transformed.
This is not the first change for OM. When the ministry began in 1977 they called themselves Friends from Abroad. Later the vision changed as well as the name- to OM LUKE.
Now, OM Lifehope's mission includes partnering with churches and reaching and discipling people from many nations.
OM Lifehope has a special team who trains members of the OM team for evangelism. They are constantly researching and developing new ways to teach so that OM Lifehope's staff will be well prepared to share the Gospel in a post-Christian Britain.
"There is a lot of work involved in this process of change but we are working hard to ensure a smooth transition. We would appreciate your prayers, patience, and support during this time," said Critchlow.