International (MNN) — Did you know, Operation Mobilization has a ship ministry? It’s called OM Ships International. It focuses on bringing global Christian training and outreach to all areas of the world. The vision: to share knowledge, help, and hope.
OM Ships International
“We like to see ourselves really as a catalytic part of OM. We have a vessel currently, the Logos Hope, in which we have about 400 people that live and work aboard, and they currently represent about 60 different nations,” OM Ships International’s CEO Seelan Govender shares.
This ship, which is registered in Malta, doesn’t exactly have a home port because it’s always on the go. People will join the ship for a one or two-year discipleship program. And from the sounds of it, life aboard the ship isn’t dull. The ship visits various ports worldwide, with locals from each port being invited to check out what the ship has to offer, which is a lot.
The ship carries a book fair of educational and Christian literature. But teams from the ship also bring aid supplies and community care to each area where they’re docked. What’s more, the ship is also delivering the Gospel and encouraging Christians.
When people see the ship sail in, all 12,000 tons and 130 meters of it, it’s an exciting event. Especially since those on the ship stand on deck, waving their different native nations flags. And then when the local people board, the excitement carries as they meet the crew and volunteers from numerous nationalities and hear that they love Jesus.
“What we want to see is a strong mobilization effect, in which we want to engage and be a catalyst for people to be involved in praying, involved in financially giving towards causes where the Gospel is able to reach difficult places,” Govender explains.
Travels Aboard
Because the ship is always on the move, there has to be a three or four-year view of where it’s going to travel. In recent years, the ship has been sailing from port to port along the African coast and the Caribbean.
Now, it’s heading to Central America with the goal of circumnavigating Latin America. It will be the first time in nearly 20 years that OM Ships International will be returning to this area.
But, one of OM Ships International’s biggest goals is to challenge people to use their gifts. Both those who are living on the ship and those local to the port area.
“Anybody can serve the Lord using whatever gifts and talents the Lord has given them. There is no real special calling and I think that’s where I feel we’ve somehow done a disservice. I think God has gifted everybody in a very unique way,” Govender says.
“The question is more geography instead of actually saying I have a calling, and then where are we actually using the gifts and talents that the Lord has given us for the extension of His kingdom. And I think what the Logos Hope communicates is that God is using the ordinary person…to live out His purpose and to advance His kingdom.”
Be Prayerful, Be Active
Interested in volunteering with OM Ships International? Then get in contact with Operation Mobilization, who does the recruiting, to get started. Some requirements are applicants must be 18 years old or older, have a certain level of proficiency in English, and be able to provide church references. Volunteers will also need to raise funds.
And finally, please pray. Pray for those who journey with OM Ships International, that they’d be encouraged and have opportunities to train and to share the Gospel. Also, pray for open hearts wherever the ship docks.
Ask God to provide OM Ships International the strategy for reaching and recruiting people, as a well as where to go to bring the Gospel to light in areas that are dark. Pray also for OM Ships International as it looks into bringing another ship into service.