USA (BGCO) — [EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a press release by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma. For the latest updates on this organization, click here.]
On Friday, May 8, Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief volunteers continued serving communities affected by the May 6 storms. To date, more than 80 volunteers have served more than 2,500 meals, in addition to other work that includes debris clean-up.
According to Wes Johnson, a volunteer leader with the disaster relief operation of Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO), workers have served victims in various parts of the state, including the Tuttle and Newcastle areas.
Johnson also reported that the BGCO disaster relief has received more than 60 requests for debris removal, roof tarping, mud removal and other services, all of which are offered at no cost to the owner.
People may request assistance from the BGCO disaster relief operation by calling (405) 443-7583 or by visiting www.okdisasterhelp.org. The BGCO’s disaster relief operation, a non-profit, faith-based group which offers a wide array of services, also receives tax-deductible donations to help victims of the storms.