Iran (MNN)–Iran’s government says their nuclear program will advance, despite stern warnings from the United Nations to the contrary.
The direct challenge to the United Nations Security Council could risk international sanctions. Regime scientists successfully enriched uranium to make nuclear fuel, a milestone, to be sure, albeit a dangerous one in the country’s atomic drive.
Britain, France, Russia and Germany are all strongly encouraging dismantling the program, saying Iran has taken steps in the wrong direction.
In the meantime, Evangelist Sammy Tippit says tensions generated by the country’s international defiance have had an interesting effect on the Iranians.
Rather than rousing them to rally behind their government, there’s quite a different feeling in the streets. “There is a great sense of insecurity and instability within the nation.”
A different picture than the one being painted by the government. Tippit goes on to say, “I think that instability that is caused by what the political leadership is doing is causing people to try to find answers, to try to look for answers, people who would not normally be looking for those answers. ”
Based on the kind of responses STM’s team has seen to the broadcast (via email, letters and other response), viewers are turning to the Gospel for hope.
Tippit says their team is dedicated to producing a quality broadcast into Iran. “My prayer is that somehow, there could be a resolution and a solution to all of this in a peaceful means, and that there would be a growing Christian community that would be leaving out in that.”