North Korea (MNN) — The United
Nations is voting on a resolution critical of human rights abuses in North
Korea. Among those abuses is religious persecution targeting Christians and those involved in Christian
It's timely, considering the
latest from Ham Kyung Book Do Chung, says Voice of the Martyrs' Todd Nettleton.
"Ten college students in one of the northern provinces of North Korea have
been arrested by the National Security Agency. They apparently were caught
reading the Bible and watching a Christian DVD. Because of that, they were all taken into custody. Their situation is
very grim."
The man who reported the case has
since escaped to China to avoid arrest. Voice of the Martyrs issued a press release
about the situation.
According to their contact, the GumRung
Company of the Rodong Dang Labor Organization Department was actively involved
in Bible smuggling (we've edited some of the information for security
"In March 2006, 200 Life Bibles
and several hundred CDs were purchased in China and secretly placed in flour
bags before being smuggled into North Korea. This huge Bible smuggling case was
headed by GumRung Company employees who were influenced by Christianity in
China and underground Christians. All the leaders have been arrested and are
being severely tortured."
The danger now is keeping this
man out of North Korea. China has been
repatriating asylum seekers, much to the dismay of the humanitarian
community. If he is forced to return to
North Korea, his life could be forfeited.
Yet, there is one bright spot in
this story. The group of college
students who were arrested evidently shared the Bible and video CD with their
friends. They also reportedly distributed
the Bibles and video CDs to the other college towns.
Nettleton urges prayer.
"What we can do now is pray. That is really all we can do. The North Korean government is almost immune
to international pressure. So our option, at this point, on behalf of these
brothers and sisters who have been arrested, is simply to go to the Lord, to
pray for their safety, to pray for justice for them, and pray that their lives would
be spared."
The Voice of the Martyrs stands
with and supports Christians facing severe persecution in North Korea. Click here if you can help.