USA (MNN) — Hurricane Dorian is chugging along the U.S. coastline. Experts predict life-threatening winds and storm surge today in North Carolina and parts of Virginia.
Meanwhile, a humanitarian crisis is unfolding in the Bahamas, where Dorian landed Sunday as a Category 5 hurricane. Over 20 deaths have been confirmed so far, and that number’s expected to rise as more areas become accessible.
Though it left the islands at Category 2, Dorian gained momentum on its way to the Carolinas. The storm upgraded to Category 3 yesterday morning and has gone back-and-forth ever since. David McCreary of Trans World Radio tells us, “That does give us some concern about possible tornadoes, damaging winds, flooding, things like that.”
Dorian vs. North Carolina

(Graphic courtesy of NOAA)
Citing data from the National Hurricane Center, The Weather Channel reports “peak impacts” today in North Carolina and southeastern Virginia. Experts predict Dorian will continue moving upward along the coast and into Canadian waters over the weekend.
“Our staff met together this morning and just prayed that God would protect us and that he would watch over us as the hurricane comes through,” McCreary says.
“We are not that close to the coast, but we still anticipate possibly being affected.”
The ministry’s U.S. offices are located in Cary, North Carolina. This inland location protects TWR from the brunt of Dorian’s wrath, but safety remains a top concern for loved ones in the coastal community.
“Please pray that there would be minimal damage to people and property as the storm approaches,” McCreary asks.
“Pray for God’s protection and for His peace to prevail in the days ahead.”
Praise report?
McCreary says there’s at least one silver lining; Dorian won’t affect most of TWR’s ministry.
“Thankfully, we do have most of our broadcast facilities in different parts of the world, so we don’t think there’ll be any disruption at all as far as the broadcast going out,” McCreary states.
In an email, he adds, “functions like finance, information systems, human resources and donor services may be temporarily affected, but the global broadcasts of the Gospel will go out unhindered.”
TWR is a global media organization that exists to reach the world for Jesus Christ. With programming and resources in more than 230 languages, TWR reaches people in 160 countries. Learn more here.
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