International (MNN) — How would you even begin to help transform a life? With 5 cents and a 48-page Scripture booklet is a good place to start.
For more than half a century, World Missionary Press has been printing, producing, and sending free Scripture booklets all around the world. Each booklet costs less than 5 cents to produce.
“We say the Word works,” Fred Eiler of World Missionary Press explains. “The folks that read this, the people that get them into their hands, they begin to see. You see each time you put a Scripture booklet into somebody’s hand, you have given the Holy Spirit something to work with because it’s God’s Word.”
World Missionary Press partners with international and street ministries, as well as distributors, who receive and pass out booklets in 343 different languages in 210 countries.
One pastor working with Christian Aid Ministries recently packed and piled his car full of thousands of French-written booklets. He and another man, Brother Kim, brought them to a refugee camp on the Ivory Coast, where civil war had left its marks. Around 30,000 refugee “houses” were in that single camp.
“[The homes are] very meager. Some are tents, some are structures with wooden thatch-type roofs, and I don’t think it’d hold out much,” Eiler says. “Just across the valleys and over the hills, just these residents everywhere.”
But Brother Kim had the incredible vision of giving a World Missionary Press Scripture booklet to each of these households every month. Imagine how the Word of God would spread and make an impact if each person received a Scripture booklet.
World Missionary Press shares in their September Newsletter that thousands have been led to Christ through the booklets. Many who have become distributors have helped lead people to Christ without even speaking the same language
While ministries request larger quantities to distribute in bulk, World Missionary Press also receives requests from individuals. No request proves to be too big or too small.
“Somebody asked me one time, ‘What’s the least amount that you would mail out?’ And I said, ‘One booklet.’ One booklet. And the most we mail out is a 40-foot container that could hold 2.2 million Scripture booklets.’”
Each year, over 1,000 volunteers help to package and produce Scripture booklets, which helps keep the costs down. Want to help spread the Word? Become a distributor or donate!