Nigeria (MNN)–Religious passions have been inflamed in western Nigeria’s Kwara State.
Earlier this month, police stopped an open air evangelistic meeting in Ilorin to put an end to a possible riot by Muslim youths who were protesting the event.
The event, led by German evangelist Reinhard
Bonnke, was to run Aug. 18-22. However, in an effort to forestall sectarian trouble, the area’s security council stopped the meetings after two days.
The move prompted a livid response from the Christian Association of Nigeria who accused the government of pandering to the youths.
Voice of the Martyrs’ Todd Nettleton describes the situation as a tinderbox. “You have the northern states, many of whom have adopted Islamic Sharia law, you have the southern states, which are predominantly Christian. So, you almost have two countries within a country, and the border between those and the relationships between Muslims and Christians are very strained.”
Nettleton says, although it may appear the government favors Muslims and discriminates against believers, there is still a vibrant church. “There are people thinking about eternity, thinking about death and great significant questions, and they’re ripe to hear the Gospel at those times. So, I think we can pray for safety for Christian workers; we can also pray for fruit for their labor.”