Nigeria (MNN) — Christians in Nigeria are facing increased threats of persecution this Christmas. In the past, terrorist group Boko haram has attacked during seasons of Christian celebration. Darrel Templeton with MegaVoice says the threats are very real.
“They’re trying to scare and terrorize the Christians to keep them from being bold in their faith, in gathering, and in exercising their religious freedoms.”
Despite this, Templeton hears that many Christians are going to celebrate no matter what. Added to the threats of violence are a military and police force that sometimes act more as accomplices than watchguards, he says.
“Their presence is nowhere to be found, even to the point of when asked for protection in these certain places and cities, they just don’t show up.”
With multiple groups targeting Christians and little help from law enforcement, it’s a kind of “open season” on believers. Homes are looted; buildings are burned.
“If you can take their stuff, and no one is going to put you in jail or come after you, then it just opens the door for further violence against these Christians,” Templeton says.

Photo courtesy of VOM USA
Persecution of Nigerian Christians is a call to prayer. Templeton says this is especially true as we get ready to celebrate Christmas here in the US in the safety and comfort in our churches, “knowing that many of our brothers and sisters are taking a huge step of faith even to go to church on Sunday and especially during the Christmas season.”
Please pray that Nigerian believers would draw hope and peace from Christ, and pray that God would provide spiritually and physically for the Nigerian church this season.
“This is not just a political issue or even a religious issue. It’s a spiritual issue, and the Prince of Peace is being attacked by the enemy,” Templeton says.
Word from MegaVoice colleagues on the ground is that Nigerian Christians recognize the blessing of suffering for their faith.
“They’re not praying or asking us to pray that they’d be taken away from this,” Templeton says, “but they ask for protection and they ask for boldness.”
Please pray too for members of Boko Haram and those whose mindsets have been influenced by its ideology. Pray that the light of Christ would dawn in their darkness, and pray that the birth of Christ would soon be known for the redemptive gift that it is.
Featured image courtesy of David Iloba via Pexels