Nigeria (MNN) — Several months ago, the story of 13-year-old Danjuma Shakura was released by Voice of the Martyrs (VOM).

(Photo courtesy of Voice of the Martyrs via Facebook)
Danjuma’s Nigerian village was attacked by over 1,000 radical Muslims on January 28, 2015. They burned houses, killed Christians, and tried to kill Danjuma.
They came after him with a machete knife, marring his face, cutting out one of his eyes, and leaving him blind.
Danjuma passed out, and survivors believed he had been another victim among the 23 dead. They started preparing a grave for him with the others, but before his body was placed inside, he woke up screaming. Villagers jumped into action, rushing him to the hospital.
Because of his wounds, it had been almost 100% likely that he would die; but more than a year later, Danjuma is still alive.
Scars are still left, both on his face and in his mind. He remembers running for his life, seeing others martyred and homes burning. He remembers the pain from first strike of the machete, but fortunately can’t remember anymore of the torture.
Even after being treated so cruelly, Danjuma forgave his attackers because he knew they had never known the love of Jesus.
Instead of blaming Jesus for his pain and handicap, he has grown stronger in his faith and listens to God’s guidance. He told VOM, “God continues to guide and protect.”
Danjuma has learned to use a walking stick to find his way around. He will soon be attending a school for the blind and also has a surgery scheduled. Though it’s unclear whether this surgery will repair damage done to his eye, will you pray that it will?
About 51% of Nigerians are Christian and 43% are Muslim, according to the Joshua Project. Boko Haram’s attacks started escalating in 2009 and have continued terrorizing the country. The terrorists have slaughtered thousands of Christians and displaced and more than 1.3 million believers.
Please pray that God will bring an end to the attacks and make His presence known among radical Muslims.
Dear Danjuma, i pray for success of your surgery . May your vision improve and your vision for Christ grow. Jesus is with you
Praying that I would be more like Danjuma, in Jesus name!
Dearest Danjuma! Your story is an encouragement to all Christians. A clarion call to awaken our hearts to the Power of the Lord to save even stone-hearted insurgents. And just like you said, they do not know the love of God.
You may have lost your sight, but your vision of Christ will remain firm, and grow! I love you my brother! And I sure will keep you and millions more in violent persecutions in prayers.
#KeepTheFaith! Bless you boss!
Dear Danjuma, The children at our church in the United States have been praying for you since we learned of your attack. We thank God that you are recovering. We will continue to pray for you. Thank you for setting a wonderful example of forgiveness for them. Many of them staid they didn’t think they could do what you have done. May God continue to bless you and use you for His glory.
Dearest Danjuma,
Your story of terror and a gigantic faith has brought me to tears. I will pray for your continued recovery and for God’s gracious hand on your life. You are such an encouragement to me when I read about how you forgave your attackers. May God bless you in a mighty way as you continue to recover and share your story. I believe that our Lord Jesus has big plans for you my dear brother!
Because He lives,
I sure hope that Danjuma will see these positive messages of encouragement and prayers. Although, it seems that he is the one who is the positive encouragement to the rest of us. His smile says it all. He is filled with LOVE and no amount of cruelty can diminish that love because it is the love of Jesus and it shines through this young man, even after all he has been through. Bless you, bless you, bless you!
I pray that your upcoming surgery is successful and your recovery is speedy and without complications. I also pray for the people who attacked you, that they will see that their hatred and cruelty cannot overpower the Glory of our Lord Jesus, that lives in you, and that they will be curious about this and be drawn to know how this is possible and they will come to know Jesus and have a changed heart and they will, in turn, spread the Good News to others.
With love, your sister in Christ in North Carolina, America
Beloved Danjuma,
What an amazing testimony of the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ!
I believe your story will only grow stronger as you walk out your faith! Many need to know the truth of Jesus in these end times and you, my dear brother are helping to show the strength and love behind His name!
May our Lord Almighty grant healing to you both physically and strengthen your spirit daily!
God bles, in Jesus’s name!!!!
Man of wrath will pay the penalty, for if you deliver him, you will only have to do it again.
Forgiveness is only eternal life but must suffer for crime only if repented. Victim’s forgiveness is only in his heart not to have grudge. But punishment is essential. This mockery of God love and law.
Dear Danjuma,
Thank you for your steadfast faith in the ONLY true God and Savior.
We will pray fervently that you will regain some sight, and look forward to seeing how God will use your powerful testimony.
In Christ.
Danjuma, I am in Awe to see God shining through you. It gives me pause. Thank you for being His faithful servant and may your actions cause your perpetrators be brought to Christ because of you Christ-like behavior
May the Lord keep you always in His Loving Arms!!!!
Dear Brother Danjuma, May you continue to walk in the Light of His Love all the days of your life, and may that Light reach into the darkness of the hearts of those who are blinded by sin and do not see as you see, and may they be awakened to the joy and peace and love and forgiveness that shines through you. God Bless You, Danjuma. He has more for you to do and be, and He will lead every step of the way.