Niger (MNN) — A radio station is marking one year of broadcasting in Niger.
Words of Hope dedicated the new facilities in Niger last September. They launched the
programming with five weekly Gospel broadcasts and have expanded that number to six. With limited literacy, it is difficult to get the Gospel to everyone unless they can listen to it instead of read it. Also, many Christians are isolated and cannot get their hands on a Bible.
Niger gained its independence from largely atheistic France in 1960. Today, it is 90 percent Muslim, and yet the ground is still fertile for the seeds of the Gospel. Lee DeYoung says this is partially due to the fact that "there is not Sharia law; there's a secular government, and there's real openness to Gospel broadcasts explicitly being heard on local radio stations. No opposition has sprung up that we're aware of."
The programming is made possible through a partnership with an indigenous church in Niger. The program airs on several local, community and regional stations. The audience is growing since the program can be heard across the country in both French and Hausa.
"We met with some of the listeners who still are not identifying themselves as converts, but they are certainly interested in the Gospel. Some of them describe these broadcasts as wonderful examples of enlightenment which they look forward to hearing each night," DeYoung reported. The broadcast is welcomed by unbelievers, he adds.
"We're encouraged by this partnership and with this open door to spread the gospel throughout this part of West Africa," DeYoung said.