Niger (MNN) –The government of Niger was commandeered by a junta coup a few months ago.
"The recent change of government here was peaceful and was seen as a remedy to the fact that the country was overdue to have had elections in 2009 or before," says Lee DeYoung of Words of Hope.
DeYoung says that, based on the way that government had conducted themselves, the coup felt elections would not take place unless forced. (For more on the February coup, click here.)
In the wake of the changeover, Niger is enjoying relative peace and stabilization.
"It does seem as if most people are supportive of this [change], and it is seen as a way to re-stabilize this country and put it back on a course to democracy," says DeYoung.
Meanwhile, the Words of Hope radio ministry in Niger also continues to run smoothly.
"Words of Hope has a radio ministry here that started in 2006 that has had very good results, and the country, although it is overwhelmingly Islamic in its traditions, is open," says DeYoung.
Words of Hope recently took a survey to determine the effectiveness of this ministry in Niger. They discovered that most people surveyed had listened to their radio program and responded positively.
Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world but at least now appears to be experiencing peace. Pray that this peaceful time would only open hearts wider to the life of Christ, the very Prince of Peace Himself. Pray that those who hear the Words of Hope radio program would respond to its message of truth in Jesus.
To learn more about Words of Hope and their work around the world, click here.