USA (MNN) — E3 Partners and SIM International recently released a new tool to help spread the word about HIV/AIDS prevention. Most importantly, it helps people share the message of prevention with each other.
The HIV/AIDS Cube uses pictures to dispel untruths that create stigma around those who have contracted the virus. It also gives facts about how to prevent the contraction and spread of HIV.
The two organizations brought the HIV/AIDS Cube to Sudan where many people are illiterate. The use of pictures made sharing the message with them possible. On top of that, it made it easy for them to share the message with their peers afterward. Many of the Sudanese people they shared it with testified about how wonderful it was to use.
They also brought the cube to villages in Rwanda and other African countries. The cube makes it possible to share the heart of Christ along with the message of preventing
HIV/AIDS. During their time in Rwanda, many Rwandans professed faith in Christ.
Many of the Africans they shared the cube with wanted thousands of cubes to take back to their churches.
The partnership began at the "Global Summit on AIDS and the Church." Bob Blees, Vice President of SIM USA, and Dan Hitzhusen, Vice President of E3 Partners quickly developed the
idea. One news source reported that Blees said, "This cube gives ordinary people the tool to share the facts about AIDS. Now imagine one million ordinary people being equipped to share about AIDS !"
The prevention for AIDS is here TODAY.
All that is required is to UNDERSTAND what AIDS is. After 40 years of high level brain washing this is not easy. So if you can devote a few hours to non-judgmental information gathering you can prevent AIDS.
“Because it has been surrounded from day one with so much emotion, so much fear, so much psychology, so much drama, very few people are capable of looking at AIDS logically.” Mark Conlan, Note FEAR is being used to kill you. Fear not. AIDS is not that difficult to solve if approached rationally.