Lithuania (MNN) — Trans World Radio's partner in Lithuania is celebrating a new studio and new outreach opportunities.
The new facility is bigger and allows the team to better record children's programs, music groups and teaching programs.
Staff members are able to save time in recording because they can record more than one person at a time for the children's programs. More than that, though, little has been available for Lithuanian believers. That means the studio recordings of the music groups provides more Christian music, specifically by Lithuanian artists.
Although the studio is already pressed into service, work on the studio remains incomplete. Staff still needs to deal with soundproofing and acoustic needs as well as painting and carpeting. The majority of their time is spent meeting recording deadlines for Thru the Bible and The Little Evening Star programs.
Rapid growth of new churches in Lithuania is outpacing church leader training. In response, TWR airs a weekly program called The Little Evening Star, aimed at filling the gap between evangelizing children and discipling them.
According to TWR, although The Little Evening Star is for pre-school and younger school-aged children, TWR-Lithuania also gets letters from preteens and even parents or grandparents who listen with the children. Pray that the seeds planted through these broadcasts will take root.