Mexico (MNN) — A sense of pride pervades the Las Flores community in Mexico. The people
value their language and have a healthy sense of self-esteem. There has been a
variety of Christian influences in the area since the 1930s.
When one group of believers said, "We need the Bible in our own language,"
that set into motion a series of events leading up to the launch of a
translation project. The translated book
of Jonah was the first book ever printed in their language. Its reception prompted yet another
translation project.
Wycliffe Bible Translators says their team recently completed
a New Testament draft for the five thousand Las Flores speakers in Mexico. Gulmaro, a 30-year-old Christian man who is
fluent in his own language and Spanish, heads up the project.
With the draft completion, the team is pushing
toward project completion in 2008. A lot
of checking and testing needs to be done before the New Testament is printed.
Pray for God's guidance and oversight of the whole
process. Pray also for new strategies for raising community interest and
involvement in Scripture use.