Middle East (MNN)–‘Beyond Limits’, is Trans World Radio’s newest program launch in the Middle East.
According to TWR-Europe’s spring quarterly, the project is a grassroots ministry that aims to help Middle Eastern believers remain established and grow in their faith.
The initiative dovetails support with TWR’s Arabic broadcasts to 22 countries in the region. And the need? Arabic Ministry Director Oscar Norton explains, “When a person in this region accepts Christ, it means going against their culture.”
The decision to follow Christ isolates new believers, but in some areas, it’s a life or death choice. “For some, a decision to become a Christian is signing their death sentence. This is beyond limits.”
Norton is urging solidarity in the form of moral, spiritual and financial help, because, “We must be ready to make every sacrifice to help our fellow believers who go through hardships because of their faith.”
The team works closely with the indigenous church to train and equip them to share the hope of Christ in their communities.