Peru (MNN) — Peru's presidential elections wrapped up over a week ago, naming Ollanta Humala as the nation's next leader. In the aftermath of the heated election, believers are assessing the win.
"I think it'll be a new direction for Peru, but not a positive direction, as he has been very closely associated to Chavez in Venezuela," explains missionary to Peru, Martin Reeves with The Mission Society. "We are just looking to see what he's going to do in the future."
President Humala will take office on July 28. Humala has a history of questionable morals; Reeves is praying that God will take control of the new president, and in the meantime, give Peruvians guidance.
Fortunately, it doesn't seem that the change in presidency will alter ministry at this point, which is a significant sigh of relief considering all of the ways in which God has been moving.
"God is just doing incredible things as He has placed a tremendous spiritual hunger in the hearts of the Peruvian people," confirms Reeves. "They're just calling out for God, [wanting] to know peace and to experience hope that comes only through Jesus Christ."
Reeves and his wife have shifted their ministry focus to church planting, discipleship and leader equipping in the last four years. Reeves is able to train leaders by challenging them with teaching opportunities in his home church and by requiring them to work in other ministries as well.
The results of the ministry refocus have been significant. Reeves and his family have been able to plant four churches in the four-year period, and their children's ministry has grown from 20 kids to hundreds. People from all walks of life are coming to Christ, but especially the extreme poor. Forgotten by their government and the world, the poor find hope in Christ's love and peace.
As the Reeves enter a new stage of the country's history, Martin mainly has ministerial prayer requests. He asks you to pray that God would continue to stir the hearts of individuals toward Christ, and to raise up leaders. Pray also for protection for the Reeves family.
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To learn even more about the Reeves, visit their Mission Society profile, or their Web site: reevesperu.org.