International (MNN) — One of the world’s largest unreached people groups may be right under our noses – literally. There are approximately 2.2 billion children worldwide, and most of them live in developing nations.
Sometimes, children are the gateway to reach entire families for Christ. Kids encounter Jesus at Vacation Bible School or a similar program, and their witness brings parents to the Lord.
In other countries, like those ruled by a majority religion, parents may know the Lord, but they don’t know how to reach their kids.
“[For example], Muslim-background believers in a lot of these areas don’t have the tools to disciple their kids or introduce Christ to their kids,” Greg Yoder of Keys for Kids Ministries says.
“We want to make sure that Keys for Kids and Unlocked, our teen devotional, is available and ready for them in their language.”
By joining the Alliance for the Unreached, Keys for Kids Ministries can supply believers worldwide with tools and resources for family outreach. Similarly, Christian ministries can team up with Keys for Kids to supplement existing programs.
“We view our kids and teen devotionals as disciple-making tools. That becomes part and parcel of what these ministries are (already) doing,” Yoder says.
“We’re available in six languages: Arabic, Albanian, Macedonian, Greek, Spanish, and Nepali. There are a lot of first-generation Christians in many of these nations.”
Pray this partnership fuels transformation in unreached communities.
“We hope that many organizations will turn to us [and] our partners to help them ignite a passion for Christ in their kids, in their teens, in their families,” Yoder says.
“We hope this becomes a synergistic hub for families in unreached areas of the world.”
Header image courtesy of Keys for Kids Ministries.