International (MNN) — Having lost one or both parents, more than 150 million kids worldwide are classified as an orphan by UNICEF. But those estimates fail to take into account the millions of children living in institutions or on the streets. Many are known as "social orphans" – children who have one or more living parents, yet experience life as if they did not.
Every day, orphans around the world face dangers like prostitution, slavery, or child soldiery.
"We serve children that just come from very desperate situations: abuse, neglect, terrible backgrounds," said Tiffany Taylor with Orphan Outreach.
What can you do about it? According to Taylor, a new partnership with InkRecycling.org provides an easy way to make a tangible difference. Just visit the site to recycle your used ink cartridges and with one click, you can help orphans.
"It's a really easy way to get involved for someone who wants to help orphans," Taylor stated. "100% of the donations will go to Orphan Outreach to our programs overseas, to help children in need."
Orphan Outreach works to improve the lives of orphans and at-risk kids in Guatemala, Honduras, India, Latvia, and Russia through early intervention, quality education, and evangelism. Learn more about their efforts here.
InkRecycling.org even helps you set up a collection program in your community, Taylor added. Click here to see how it works.
"They will send you the shipping labels, the container boxes, the posters–everything to make it really easy for you to collect ink cartridges and turn them into cash for orphans," she explained.
Pray that through this partnership, many orphans would hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.
"We really want to be an agent for change in their lives by bringing them the Gospel, so just pray for those open doors," Taylor requested.