(MNN) — Tanzania's Rangi are sort of "water farmers."
located in the country's northeast, they also range through Ethiopia and
Kenya. Often, if they found a water
source, they dug a hole, put a gourd in it, and left. The following dry season, they returned to it
and if it was full of water, they would settle there.
the early 1900's, the Rangi in Kondoa converted to Islam. Those nearby in the Haubi valley resisted. In
1937 they decided to become Catholic and built a cathedral. Today, 7% call themselves Catholic. Over time, according to Africa Inland
Mission, traditional religious beliefs merged into both the Islam and
Catholicism of the Rangi. They believe in a supernatural world that affects
every activity; sacrifices, sorcery and witchcraft are common.
goes on to note that since 2000, the number of evangelical believers is
growing. At one point the church was burned down, but it was rebuilt along
with a medical clinic and school dorms. Baptisms are taking place, and more
workers are needed. A translation project is progressing well.
Africa Inland Church (AICT) girls' high school is also resuming classes this
month. 587 girls attend the boarding school, and roughly a third are Rangi,
which makes the school a strategic outreach.
comes the discipleship and training. This part of the program will be key to keep the church body vibrant,
rather than stagnant. Africa Inland Mission has a Training In
Ministry Outreach (TIMO) Team that just arrived on the ground in Tanzania, where
they'll spend the next five months learning how to live and serve among the
Rangi people.
Over the next 2 1/2 years, that team
will also learn the heart language of the people, study the culture, and share
the Gospel in both word and deed.
Pray for this team as they adjust to a
very new way of life. Pray that the Rangi would have open hearts and minds to
receive the hope of Christ.