Philippines (MNN) — Thirty people of the Tagbanwa tribe in the Philippines have decided to follow Christ after New Tribes Mission missionaries held evangelistic Bible lessons.
Chris and Ray Pollock of NTM taught the lessons. The final lesson was on the death and
resurrection of Christ. "It has been really exciting to see faith begin to develop in the hearts of the people leading up to these lessons," wrote Ray.
They reported that the Tagbanwas' attendance was great, nearly never missing a class.
Two Sundays ago the Pollocks held a follow up meeting with the 30 people who had attended the lessons. They gave the tribe members scriptures of assurance and taught them that after accepting Christ they were all children of God.
One of the women wrapped her arm around Chris and said, "Now we are sisters!"
During that follow-up time, they also gave the people a chance to share their testimonies. One woman stood up and shared about the difficulty of her life until now. She said she is now truly happy because she has found the truth.
After that Sunday meeting, "We have seen some of our friends walking around, and they just seem to look different. As they talk with us, there seems to be a real peace and happiness," wrote Ray.