International (MNN) — Being a Christian comes with certain responsibilities.
“God has a mandate for us,” DOOR International’s Rob Myers says.
“The Great Commission says we need to go and make disciples. That process of making disciples is a call on every single one of our lives, whether it’s locally or internationally.”
To go, you first need to know. “There are whole people groups that still don’t have access to the Gospel,” Myers says.
“When the global Church is unaware of those needs, then [it] can’t address them.”
The Deaf are one of the world’s largest unreached people groups. More about that here. Less than two percent of the world’s 70 million Deaf people know or follow Jesus.
A handful of Deaf ministries, including DOOR, are working hard to change this statistic. They’re launching a database this month to help accurately assess needs in Deaf communities.
Myers says, “In a collaborative effort among four or five different organizations, including DOOR, we’ve decided to create a database that gives general information about any Deaf people group – What’s the estimated number of Deaf believers in the community? How many Deaf churches are there? How many sign languages? What (Gospel) work has been going on?”
Information fuels prayer and action. “One of the best ways to help the global Church and your friends find out Deaf communities need the Gospel is to share this article,” Myers says.
Use the buttons at the bottom of the page to share this report via email and social media. Most importantly, pray. Find the latest prayer needs here.
“The enemy has had strongholds in these communities for many years. Those types of spiritual barriers only come down with prayer,” Myers says.
Header image depicts Deaf Gospel workers holding a community testing session in Kenya. (Photo courtesy of DOOR International)