International (MNN) — New evangelists are growing and making more disciples in the Far East– an area of the world where the countries are considered restricted access nations,
reports Association of Baptists for World Evangelism (ABWE).
Last August, ABWE conducted evangelism training in a restricted region. A trainee from that class brought five people to Christ since then, and those five now have been trained and already are working in areas considered unreached with the Gospel.
Association of Baptists for World Evangelism has been invited back to train 60 more national Christian workers in evangelism.
In another restricted access area, a young Buddhist has been studying God's word diligently and is beginning to change his view of the Gospel. His friend is also being transformed as a result of studying with him.
A tribal group in this restricted area has been difficult to reach because they were deceived by a cult who presented a false messiah. After a trip to the mission hospital, a village leader wanted to share what he learned about the Gospel with the rest of his tribe. Already, God is working in many hearts, and thirteen families in this tribe approached a leader of a fellow tribe asking if they could become Christians. There are 42 tribes in that area who have requested Christian teaching.
Pray for these sensitive areas, that missionaries would be granted safety as well as strength. Pray also that God will continue His work in people's hearts as they realize their need for the Truth.