Nepal (MNN) — Nepal's government is working toward taking
the peace process to its "logical end" and preparing a draft
Constitution within the next three months.
The new Prime Minister says the government puts the peace
process, publicizing the Constitution,
and helping the poor at the top of their agenda. According to a recent press release,
the government is working toward double-digit
economic transformation and prosperity
beginning next year.
Also noted, Nepal will act as a "friendship bridge"
between India and China rather than just being a "buffer state"
between its neighbors.
Mawii Pudaite with Bibles For the World notes the timing has
never been better to launch a nationwide Bible distribution program in
Nepal. "Our hope and prayer is that
by God's grace, we might be able to print and distribute over 500,000 copies of
the New Testament in the Nepali language."
There is a hunger for truth in light of the upheavals
recently experienced in this Himalayan nation.
Meeting the demand will be a tall order. "We will begin with 100,000 copies. We
have organized a network of 100 national churches and ministries to distribute
these Bibles to hundreds of families, engage in personal evangelism, and provide
ongoing discipleship training for new believers."
It's especially risky since anti-conversion legislation has
found its way into the newly-revised penal codes. Pudaite says, "This anti-conversion law
is in the picture, and we must pray that God will continue to open the
door." Implementing a Bible
distribution program at a time like this seems risky because "the ruling government right now is a Communist
Party, so things are uncertain. I think this is time when we Christians must
However, Pudaite says God always makes a way. "I remember during our last visit that we
couldn't pray openly, we couldn't talk openly; but God gave us many opportunities to privately talk to people and lead them to
Pudaite recalls a recent visitor who came to their headquarters
about the time they were trying to decide on what to do about this
project. He was a Nepali national who
confirmed the presence of a large, vibrant body of Christ in the capital. "I
heard, in an unidentified building in the city, every Saturday 1000-2000 gather together for worship and praise."
With that connection, it seemed obstacles were being removed
one after the other. The confirmation of
this large church was all they needed to move forward. Pray for the funding to get started on the
printing project. Pray for a speedy print and distribution. There's at least a three-month window in
which to meet the demands for the hope of Christ in Nepal.