Nepal (MNN)–With the advent of Parliament reconvening, the world’s only Hindu kingdom may be at an end.
It appears with the move toward secular democracy, the Maoist rebels may be willing to put an end to a 10-year insurgency.
According to published news reports, there is now a general ceasefire in place. Rebel leaders say the situation is better than during past truces, and there were hopes expressed that the Maoists would not have to take up arms again.
On Monday, it’s reported that the new prime minister appointed 11 new members to his Cabinet. It’s an effort to create a coalition government. They are from the Nepali Congress, the Communist Party of Nepal, the Nepali Congress Democratic party and the United Left Front party.
Interserve’s John Kennedy says it’s all good news for their ministry teams. “With this resolution that’s come those things are opened back up, so our people are able to do ministry in their locations.”
This follows weeks of of rioting last month that forced the king to give up direct control of the government. Once that was done, the vacuum in power forced him to reinstate Parliament and return political authority to elected officials.
With his powers reduced to figurehead, the insurgency appeared to back down. The end result was a movement toward resolution.
When asked what peace could mean for their teams, he added, “For some of them that are involved in the countryside, that hopefully will mean that they’ll be able to take up those kinds of community development work that’s outside of the cities.”
Kennedy goes on to explain that the Nepali church is now able to survive on its own. However, that doesn’t negate ministry partnership needs. “There’s much that western Christian professionals can still provide working alongside of and with some of the new emerging Christian Nepali NGOs and so, just for more workers that would be willing to go.”