Nepal (MNN) — World Mission is taking a trip to Nepal this year with hopes of reaching neighboring India with the Gospel.
Greg Kelley says, “We’re actually gathering all of our leaders in that area, which not only is our Nepal leaders, but also all of our leaders from India, bringing them together. Because in our opinion, that is ground zero of where the unreached are in the world today. The highest concentration of unreached people in the world [live] in that section of India bordering Nepal.”

A US protest of the 2015 Nepal embargo. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
The gathering leaders are looking at the people groups involved, most of which are Hindu. Kelley says, “You can’t really separate Nepal from India, because a lot of the issues in Nepal are solely influenced by the ‘Big Brother,’ which is India, and their influence that they have on these anti-conversion laws and their constitution.”
In fact, Kelley says India was involved in an embargo on Nepal in 2015 just because Nepal was considering more religious freedom. India has a vice grip on Nepal, so World Mission sees them as a package.
We have reported before on Nepal’s anti-conversion laws. Read more here.
Persecution in Nepal and India
Kelley says when most people think of persecution, they think of radical Islam. Though that is a reality, Kelley says persecution can come from any religion or people group. “Most people would be shocked at the levels of persecution in the Hindu cultures as well. It’s the same elements at the foundation of persecution.”

One way World Mission serves Christian communities is through distribution of The Treasure, a solar-powered audio Bible. (Photo courtesy of World Mission on Facebook)
This persecution comes not only from the government of Nepal and India, but also from a more personal side. “Probably the most intense expression of persecution that most people won’t think about is from the family.”
Pray for Nepalese Christians to have the courage to abide in Christ despite pressure from their families. And pray that the government of India would be changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and would stop bullying Nepal.
Pray also that World Mission would be able to reach many people in both Nepal and India with the good news that Jesus has triumphed over sin, over death, and over all forces set in opposition to His Kingdom.
Rice field in India. India exerts a huge influence on Pakistan. (Courtesy of World Mission on Facebook)