Kenya (MNN) — In Kenya alone 864 people aged 15 to 49 die daily from AIDS. 6,000 children are orphaned weekly by the horrible disease. It’s projected that there will be over 2-million orphans by 2010.
Those staggering statistics inspired missionaries with Africa Inland Mission to take action. They started The Shepherd’s Little Lambs to help meet children’s education, health care, food and spiritual needs.
Since it began work in 1999, the program now has five centers with 25 staff who reach out to 250 children. Kenyans and missionaries are working together to provide loving care for these little ones. While food and education are important, the staff also give age appropriate HIV/AIDS education and teach the children about God’s Word.
All of this offers hope for a future, but hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Funding is needed. Click on the highlighted link above for contact information.