USA (MNN) — Nearly 17 percent of Americans 12 years and older reported having a substance addiction in the past year. However, more than 95 percent of people who needed drug rehab didn’t receive it.
The Lighthouse’s Brandon Bower says help may be closer than people realize.
“When we have someone struggling with issues like addiction come to us, and we have them reading God’s Word, talking to God, listening to God, Scripture promises us that those times will be life-transforming,” Bower says.
“God’s Word has the answers for everything when it comes to life and godliness.”
The Lighthouse offers biblical addiction recovery services, including a residential program, mentorship, drug testing, and community training. More about that here.
“We turn to God’s Word for answers. We’re studying God’s Word through Bible studies, discipleship, targeted homework, and targeted counseling,” Bower says.
Referring to a gentleman he’s mentoring as an example, Bower adds, “Every day over the next couple weeks, he’s going to be reading one chapter from Romans and then reporting back to me on how the transforming power of God is going to affect his life.”
Does it work? The results speak for themselves.
“You look at someone’s eyes when they come in, and it’s hopeless, and then after a few weeks at The Lighthouse, you can just see this shining glimmer of hope,” Bower says.
“This has been one of my favorite things over the last 11 years, [watching] the transforming power of Christ in the lives of those we serve.”
Connect with The Lighthouse here to learn more.
“Even though we’re in Fort Wayne, Indiana, we are having a national reach,” Bower says.
“We’ve had men from 20 different states in the last couple of years come to The Lighthouse; it’s transforming lives across our nation.”
Pray that individuals struggling against addiction will surrender their lives and wills to Christ. Pray they will accept His righteousness and utilize His power to overcome temptation.
“When we are struggling with life-altering issues like addiction, the Bible is the number one place that we should turn,” Bower says.
“James 1:5- 6 tells us to ask God [for help] when we’re struggling, and the way that God speaks to us is through His Word.”
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