Nearly 2,000 kids injured or killed since war began in Ukraine

By June 14, 2024

Ukraine (MNN) — Russia’s war is taking a heavy toll on Ukraine’s Next Generation. Nearly 2,000 children have been injured or killed since the war began over two years ago, according to the UN.

But the scars that most kids in Ukraine carry are invisible. “You can only imagine the pain and the agony, the anxiety they are facing daily,” Keys for Kids’ Greg Yoder says.

“They’ve experienced this war firsthand and probably have seen relatives, friends, and family members die.”

Keys for Kids church partners organize summer camps throughout Ukraine, providing a much-needed escape. However, “Many of these churches don’t have materials because of the war; they can’t get access to them,” Yoder says.

Keys for Kids has a solution. Yoder says, “We’re providing them [with] Keys for Kids and Unlocked, and many of these families are finding hope.”

Keys for Kids needs $50,000 to meet summer camp and holiday devotional demand. A brand-new matching grant doubles every gift up to $25,000. You can take action here.

Ask the Lord to surround Ukrainian kids with the peace only He can offer. Praise God for the transformation already underway.

“Not only are they (kids and young adults) finding Christ, but they’re growing in their faith, and hopefully, they’ll be able to share their faith as they come in contact with friends and families going through this terrible trauma,” Yoder says.

Keys for Kids materials used in street evangelism.
(Photo courtesy of Keys for Kids)

Additionally, pray for Ukrainian church leaders like one Keys for Kids partner in an unnamed region. This man and his wife are active street evangelists.

Although most people in his congregation left when the war began, “He wanted to stay behind [because] there was such an amazing need,” Yoder says.

“Now, they have new people joining them; many are young people, but there are [also] many old people who haven’t been able to leave because of their physical inability to move.”





Header and story images courtesy of Keys for Kids.

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