USA (MNN) — For every one child adopted in the United States, there are approximately 36 couples waiting to adopt. But only four percent of women with unplanned pregnancies choose adoption over abortion.
National Sanctity of Human Life Day is this Sunday, January 21st. It reminds us of the tragedy of abortion, which has now been legalized for 45 years since 1973.
However, Tom Lothamer with Life Matters Worldwide says pro-life awareness is making a difference. “It’s interesting. Since the 60s where there was over 2,000-3,000 abortion clinics and only 500-700 pro-life clinics, now it’s reversed. There is probably 600 abortion clinics in the country and 2,500-3,000 pro-life pregnancy centers. So the difference in this country has been aided by the pro-life community.”

(Photo courtesy of Life Matters Worldwide)
Life Matters’ goals are to educate people on pro-life issues, mobilize the Church for pro-life outreach, and partner with other pro-life organizations nationally and internationally for life and soul-saving ministry.
“We write…inserts for bulletins in churches, we speak in churches, we write in our blogs, [and] we have a wonderful website where people can get so much information not only on the beginning of life on the issue of abortion, but on the end of life.”
The circle of partners with Life Matters include Right to Life, Heartbeat International, Care Net, Bethany Christian Services, and Focus on the Family. Lothamer says pro-life partnerships are critical to increase awareness among couples with unplanned pregnancies that abortion doesn’t have to be the answer.
“It’s us standing together saying, ‘You know what? We’re not only going to be against abortion. We’re going to provide opportunities for women and men, different options other than abortion. And for those who have had abortions, we’re going to provide counseling and reconciliation, forgiveness, all of those things. Because it’s important that we really serve men and women no matter what the situation is — whether they’ve had an abortion or whether they’re contemplating it — and provide options for them so they can move forward in life with success.”
But for pro-life ministry and pregnancy counseling to be holistically effective, they need to be rooted in biblical truth and love.
“The pregnancy ministries in this country, most of them are based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And that Gospel is forgiveness, that is reconciliation, that is healing, and not discounting that one of the greatest needs of all people is to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ. But also in the context of that, in that environment, we do that in an atmosphere of love and compassion and mercy; offering options like English as a second language to some folks, offering parenting classes, and so many different things,” says Lothamer.
“With the Gospel, it has tremendous spiritual, emotional, and even physical implications which is saying, ‘You are worthy and we want to not only help you in your current situation, but for all of eternity.’”
As we approach Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, there are several free resources from Life Matters that you can use in your church. Click here for Life Matters’ free pro-life resources.
Along with advocacy and outreach, the biggest advances to save the lives of the unborn cannot happen without prayer.
“Pray for the end of abortion. Pray for those who have experienced abortion and need healing. Pray that the Gospel would go forth in all of these ministries.”
Lothamer also asks, “As Life Matters works in this way with so many different partners and with the Church and so forth, we would appreciate prayers as we deal with the issues of abortion and especially education, but also as we deal with the issues of the end of life and offering dignity of life to people at the end of their days.”