Africa (MNN) — 'My Own Bible' is a joint effort of Worldwide Christian
Schools and the South African offices
of the Bible League and the Association of Christian Schools International to
provide 4,000 children in Africa with their
own Bible annually.
It's a three-pronged approach that capitalizes on each
group's strengths. The role of WCS is to raise the funds that will purchase the
Bibles. WCS then sends these funds to The Bible League, who purchases
them at a discounted price and delivers them to the schools involved. WCS
donors play an important part in the My Own Bible program by beginning the
process of giving students access to God's Word. ACSI-South Africa's role
is to select schools from their association that serve students whose families
cannot afford a household Bible.
Worldwide Christian
Schools' Dale Dieleman
says it means something when the children have their own discovery. "Some children have actually said,
"Now I can read for myself that God loves me."
The response has been amazing. Within the first three months
of My Own Bible's inception, it raised enough money to provide 1,600 students
with Bibles. Dieleman says as demand is
growing, so are the possibilities.
They're excited about the next two years. "[The]
program will be expanding in 2008 to Kenya,
into Uganda, and through the
Uganda Bible League. We will be going into Sudan probably in 2009."
Five dollars buys a Bible for a child. Churches and schools are encouraged to join
in the fundraising effort. "The Word of God is alive and well, and it transforms people, even at young ages,
which is where we are really trying to reach."
Dieleman says it may be the only book they own, but it will
be by far the most important book they could ever receive.