Iraq (MNN) — As United States President Barak Obama admits to underestimating ISIS, the Islamic State has taken more territory. According to reports, ISIS is moving closer toward Turkey. Even though warplanes continue bombing the region, local leaders suggest it’s too little to make any difference. This is making the refugee crisis even worse as non-Muslim and nominal Muslims flee for their lives.
Voice of the Martyrs is an organization looking out for the needs of the region’s Christians. Todd Nettleton just returned from the Kurdish region of North Iraq. He describes the human tragedy. “The total is over 1 million people who have been displaced, including tens of thousands just that have come in the last six weeks.”
Where have most of them come from? Nettleton says, “They’re coming from all over, but primarily from the Nineveh plain, which includes Mosul and Qaraqosh and other Christian cities and villages where [most people were] Christian. ISIS seems to have targeted each village for takeover and to move the Christians out.”
This was a difficult trip for Nettleton. He was fighting fear. “My role at VOM is to be a voice and to tell these stories. How could I sit in my comfortable office and talk about the bold faith of our Christian brothers and sisters if I’m not willing to get on a plane and do that?”
Voice of the Martyrs is working through local church partners to provide aid to those who are now in the region. Is it helping? “They don’t have a lot of hope. Almost everyone we talked to [spoke] about leaving Iraq and going someplace safe. They don’t trust that ISIS is going to be stopped.”
Through local church partners, VOM is providing food, clothing, shelter, and Scripture to those in need. “When they go and distribute the aid, they also give them a Bible and also pray with them. For many of the people that they’re meeting, it’s the first time in their life that someone has prayed directly for them.”
According to Nettleton, this providing outreach to non-Muslims as well as Muslims. He says Christians are seeing something new. “Muslims are far less defensive about Islam. Muslims know that ISIS is representing Islam, and they can’t defend that. They are much more open to at least listening to the Gospel.”
Many of you have been asking MNN how you can help victims of ISIS: you can help VOM.
Nettleton explains. “We set up a Web site, http://www.i-am-n.com specifically to keep people updated on what’s going on. It also provides an easy way to give online to support the work. And finally, you can order a T-shirt with the “N” symbol on the front of it.” $10 of every T-shirt goes directly into the Middle East to help displaced Christians.
May God bless and keep you safe
I know that Christians around the world have been praying for Muslims to hear the gospel and come to Christ. God moves in ways that are beyond our limited understanding. Little did we know that this would involve war. Little did we understand that for evil ideologies which depend upon lawlessness for advancement there could be no easy way.But in spite of the misery, suffering, and possible economic collapse, God is on the throne and He knows how to advance His kingdom in our hearts and in the world. I pray He will bring millions of Muslims to the light of Christ Jesus. This will also be a time of a rude awakening for nominal Christians in the West. The lines are drawn and we must not let our love grow cold because of the increase of wickedness. We must wake-up and choose this day whom we will serve no matter what the cost. We must pray and ask the Lord to make us all strong in our faith and love for Jesus for He is coming back for His people. My heart grieves for my brothers and sisters who have been driven from their homes and are the tip of the spear in this ongoing battle. This is suffering which has been the plight of Christ’s followers since He walked the earth. I could complain about the suffering that is spreading throughout the earth, but as I roll downward in misery, I roll right up against the cross. As I look up, I realize He left heaven to come here to suffer for me, for all of us who will accept His gift of eternal life. May He strengthen all of us and increase our love for Him and each other. God is with you all, my dear fellow believers.
awesome post, Ricky. As the Lord states in Isaiah, ‘as far as the heavens are above the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts…” I agree that in the West the love of many is growing cold; the only solution to this is intimacy with the Father, Son & Holy Spirit. Only God is able to take the misery, sin & gross evil of this planet and make good come out of it. Islam will bow and be put under the feet of the Son (Psalm 2).
Thank you, both Ricky and Kurt. It is encouraging to hear fellow followers of Jesus speak out so clearly and with strong faith. We are all in HIs hands and there’s no better nor safer place. I pray for strength and fortitude for those in the thick of this battle with evil and am trusting in God’s active love and care for each one. All glory to God!