(MNN) — Mediation has ended a five-year long Australia vilification case between
Catch the Fire Ministries and the Victorian Muslim body.
Voice of the Martyrs' Todd Nettleton. "They agreed to disagree and stated
that in a free society, there should be freedom for debate about religion,
there should be freedom for each person to practice their faith in the way that
they see fit."
Portions of the settlement are confidential, but Pastors
Daniel Nalliah and Daniel Scot are relieved it's over. The case was settled in the Victorian Civil
and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) after a hearing in the Victorian Court of
Theirs was the first case to be heard by the VCAT under Victoria's
2002 Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.
Nettleton says the enforcement of the vilification law still concerns
ministries. "It's not based on how you came up with the information you're
presenting. It has everything to do with
'Was somebody's feelings hurt?' That's
obviously a pretty low standard when you're talking about enforcing a
Nettleton reminds us of two things in this case: "We can pray for the church in Australia, that
they can continue to be bold witnesses for Christ. We would love to see this
law struck down, but our call as Christians is to share the Gospel regardless
of what laws are or are not on the books."