Multiplying ministry impact in the MENA

By September 2, 2024

Middle East/North Africa (MNN) – Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa seems to dominate news cycles. However, in the midst of this turmoil God is working through the MENA Leadership Center to provide hope and change lives.

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Practical Training for Existing Ministries

MENA Leadership Center offers training for leaders throughout the Gulf states, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, and Lebanon as well as Sudan, Morocco and other Arabic speaking nations.

Jennifer Murff with the MENA Leadership Center says, “These are already existing leaders who are looking to have even greater impact. We do this through digital courses that are live and online. We focus on social entrepreneurship and practical ministry training so that they can have a greater impact in the region, because God is moving in the Middle East – even if you don’t hear it on the news.”

There are many groups that provide theological or ministry training to new believers and pastors. However, the MENA Leadership Center offers a unique set of courses that takes ministry work a step further. They focus specifically on maximizing the reach of an organization. This means giving participants the skills to manage financial needs as well as understand how to do strategic planning and market research.

“One course that we are offering is building financial capacity,” Murff says. “Most ministries don’t have the financial foresight or financial skills to be able to adequately run an organization successfully. Another course that we are providing is the power and knowledge of market research. You have to know your market whether you are in Syria, Lebanon, or Egypt. You need to know what your constituents need, why they need it, and how your services are going to meet that need.”

Getting Involved

While these courses are critical for the organizations that the MENA Leadership Center serves, practically getting the resources to students can be difficult without the help of partners.

(Image courtesy of StockSnap on Pixabay)

Murff asks for prayer. “There is not a day that passes by that you do not see what’s going on in the region on the news. We need the Lord to move in a great way. The second thing we need is we need the finances to provide the courses. We are looking for people to maybe sponsor a class or sponsor a student. That way we turn no one away and that we can have an impact in the region through the courses that we provide.”

Please join the work of the MENA Leadership Center here.



Header image courtesy of J F on Pixabay.

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