Egypt (MNN) — The trial of ex-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak resumed Monday under speculation by many that charges could be dismissed against him. Why? A recent acquittal of policemen tried in the killings of protesters. This could bring even more unrest to the nation still in search of a leader.
Tom Doyle with E3 Partners travels to the region regularly. What happens if Mubark is set free? "If he's set free, they'll be more rioting. I think it'll be worse. So you look at all the different scenarios, and none of them look like they have positive outcomes, which is kind of sad for Egypt."
Mubarak was a stabilizing force in Egypt, even for Christians. Doyle says the replacement for Mubarak's government hasn't been good for Christians. "Now that we've got the [Muslim] Brotherhood surging forward–and now even the Salafis, which is even more radical, it's not looking good for Egypt. For Christians I think it can only get worse."
However, there is good news. Doyle says many Egyptians are turning to Christ. E3 Partners was recently in Egypt to train 300 national Christians. "Many of them had been believers for only a couple of years. And, talk about a passion to get the Gospel to Muslims!"
While 85% of Egyptians believe Muslims leaving Islam should be killed, Doyle says, "Here are 300 young people getting training on reaching out to Muslims, how they are going to disciple them, how they are going to place them in house churches. It is very exciting to see these young people who have said, 'The church is the answer, and we're going to [take] Jesus to every village. We're going to die trying if we have to."
In the meantime, E3 Partners is intimately involved in training these believers. Doyle says they need your support and encouragement. "Even in these terrible political times, the church is being called out. Muslims are coming to faith in Christ. So, go to the E3 Web site and pray, and even go on a trip and work in the area, or support some of the team there."