Mozambique (ASM/MNN) — A ministry in Mozambique is growing by leaps and bounds amid political turmoil. Presidential elections are coming up on October 15. Audio Scripture Ministries (ASM) has work in one of Mozambique’s most politically-charged cities, Xai Xai.
Just last week, a presidential candidate and his staff were attacked by members of the opposing political party while campaigning in Xai Xai and three neighboring cities. Political violence has been raging for over a year, and many fear the country will relapse into civil war.
Please pray for peace during the upcoming elections and that ASM staff will be protected. Pray also for a new project starting in the Chitewe language.
ASM has begun a new project in central Mozambique to record and distribute Scripture songs and stories in the Chitewe language, which is a subset of the primary Tewe language. ASM says 150,000 Chitewe speakers currently have no written Bible and no recorded Scripture materials.
Pray for national staff as they record the life-changing messages of God’s Word and distribute them to those who need to hear.