Guatemala (MNN) — Women for Orphans Worldwide (WOW), an auxiliary of Orphan Outreach, has had a ministry in Guatemala since its launch back in 2009. This past week, WOW returned to southern Guatemala on a mission trip with a group of mothers, their children, and even a father and his son that chose to go along. They are finding that there has been an impact for Christ not only with the orphans they are helping, but with the WOW parents and their children going on this trip.
The WOW team arrived in Guatemala on Sunday, June 19 and has been very busy during this week-long trip. They are specifically working with two orphanages, including Mama Carmen, an orphanage in Guatemala City. Already, their time with the orphans has been precious as they see God working through them to touch the lives of these little ones.
We spoke with Tiffany Taylor, Director of Marketing for Orphan Outreach, who is currently leading the trip. When asked about their work with the orphans, Taylor says, "Our specific team is talking to kids about the book of Mark when Jesus calmed the waters, and [helping them know] that they can give their fears to Jesus. We're talking a lot about the fears of the children, and it's been really sweet to hear they have the same fears as any other children: fears of snakes, fears of the dark. It's been a blessing for us to share with them…that Jesus can calm their fears."
The United Nations Children's Fund estimates that there are over 370,000 orphans in Guatemala. Seventy percent of Guatemalans live below the poverty level. With such a great need for humanitarian aid and the love of Christ, Guatemala has been the perfect place for WOW to focus their efforts and bring the Good News.
Not only is the team spending time with the orphans and teaching them about the love of their Heavenly Father, but they are also having hands-on ministry with the orphanage through painting and landscaping. In this way, they hope to be an encouragement to the community and those working in the orphanages.
Education sponsorship is another way that WOW with Orphan Outreach has been an encouragement to the Guatemalan orphanages. Taylor states, "That's a real key for Orphan Outreach: understanding that you have to educate these children in order to give them a chance for a future and a life."
The WOW auxiliary has raised money to sponsor the more than 60 children in Mama Carmen to attend a private school and to provide them with books, supplies, and uniforms. WOW is also sponsoring three teachers at the second orphanage called Cerecaif, where they have a school on their campus.
On top of forming relationships with the orphans, this trip has been bringing parents and their children closer. "It's very exciting to be able to do ministry together. I find that over the years, Orphan Outreach has seen a real increase in people very interested in being able to take their children with them and serve alongside them and make a difference for orphan children," Taylor comments.
This is one of many family mission's trips that Orphan Outreach is organizing. If you would like to join a WOW chapter near you, consider sponsorship. If you are interested in a mission trip, you can visit their Web site at www.orphanoutreach.org.
Orphan Outreach will have an ongoing relationship with these orphanages and the children in them through sponsorship and being able to pray for the kids by name. As WOW wraps up their trip and heads home Friday, they ask for prayer for continued safety in their travels and health for the trip members.