Eritrea (MNN) – The latest news from Eritrea, according to Voice of the Martyrs Canada, is that the government arrested 30 Christian youth around two weeks ago.
The youth belonged to the Pentecostal Church in the Red Sea port city of Massawa.
Meanwhile, there are new reports surfacing that 35 men, women, and children were also arrested from an underground church in Eritrea. The prisoners were sent to one of the country's most brutal prisons.
In the capital of Asmara, prisoners are tortured to reveal the names of other believers. Even the few recognized Christian churches are not spared persecution.
Despite this open persecution, the government continues to support its statement issued in May 2003 that "no groups or persons are persecuted in Eritrea for their beliefs or religion."
The country also has over 2,000 Christians imprisoned in inhumane conditions. All have been denied legal counsel or trial, with no written charges filed against them.
Pray for God to sustain the imprisoned Christians by His peace and grace. Pray for Eritrean believers to continue to stand boldly in their faith in Christ despite severe persecution.