India (MNN) – Monsoons finally came to drought-stricken India earlier this month, but these seasonal rains won’t solve all problems without a plan.
We’re thankful for those of you who prayed with us last month for the monsoons to come. While the rains have brought some relief, such as the drop in temperature, there are both short-term and long-term effects to consider.
Rain and Its Conservation

Photo courtesy of India Partners.
Donna Glass of India Partners says of the rain, “That’s not potable water, that’s not drinking water. That’s going to fill up the reservoirs, that’s going to help raise the groundwater levels so pumps [with] wells that have been dry hopefully won’t be dry any longer. But there are still many villages where they don’t even have a well in their village.”
For these villagers, it’s still necessary to walk miles to water sources. While these sources are being replenished, Glass says people still get sick from the dirty water.
Heavy monsoons long term will help farmers. But, Glass explains it’s not that simple.
“It should be a good year coming up. But that’s in the future. That doesn’t relieve the current issue of higher prices because of scarcity of food.”
And, as BBC explains, while the water brings greater crop potential for farmers, it floods the cities.
Glass says while there is excitement over renewed rainfall, future planning can’t be forgotten. Does the government have a plan for water conservation? Will they restrict certain crops that require ample amounts of water?
Sugarcane is one such water-heavy plant. But according to Glass, farmers continue to plant it because it has a high return.
Other activities are brought into question as well. Glass explains how Cricket, a major national sport and pastime in India, requires green grass fields which demand a lot of water. And even through this recent heat wave, the pitches remain green.
“There’s a whole mindset that needs to be looked at in how to manage the future water sources, even if they have really good rains,” Glass says.
The Water Wells Project
India Partners support the building of water wells in remote villages. Glass says, “When we bring in a water well, we also provide them with some training and water sanitation and hygiene that is Biblically-based training. So it’s a chance to introduce the Gospel into these villages.”
If the villages don’t already have a Christian presence, there’s an opportunity to send a locally trained pastor to minister to them and share about Jesus as well as reinforce sanitation practices.
Glass asks you to pray for clean water. Pray also that as these people take in physical water, they will come to know the Living Water who will not allow their souls to thirst again.
To assist with India Partners’ clean water project, click here.