India (MNN) — India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, remains indifferent as Manipur state goes up in flames. See our full coverage here.
India’s central government has not yet responded to the conflict in Manipur state. Since ethnic violence broke out in early May, more than 130 people have died, another 60,000 are on the run, and at least 250 churches have been destroyed.
Amid the chaos, Christians have their eyes on Jesus. “Two of our missionaries on the ground are asking for the Word of God; for as many copies of the Bible and Christian books as humanly possible,” Mission Cry’s Jason Woolford says.
“They know it’s the only thing that will change their country.”
Somehow, one of the Christian seminaries is still standing. “That will be the evangelistic hub for getting the Word of God out,” Woolford says.
Help Mission Cry send hundreds of used Bibles and Christian resources to partners in Manipur here.
“They have nothing to do but hope to give the word of God and make a difference,” Woolford says.
“We’re responding with $1.5 million worth of Bibles and Christian books because our brothers and sisters are begging for the Word of God.”
Pray for an immediate end to violence in Manipur. Ask the Lord to give believers courage and strength.
Header image courtesy of VOM Canada.