Nepal (MNN)–Peace talks between Nepal’s government and Maoist rebels were adjourned abruptly this week, after neither side could come to an agreement on moving the process forward.
The two sides have been struggling to overcome differences on the role of the monarchy, what to do with rebel weapons and an interim constitution that would allow the rebels to join an interim government.
The Maoist insurgency has brought Nepal to a standstill. Now, not only are there armed skirmishes, but the people are demonstrating their anger at the continued turmoil.
IN Network’s Rody Rodeheaver says they’ve heard of some rebel activity hitting Katmandu, the capital city. “If that’s happening underneath the government’s nose, it’s a very alarming set of events. So we’re praying that God would not allow the Maoist guerillas to gain any more power. In fact, if anything, we’re praying that the government would be able to control this.”
Rodeheaver confirms their evangelism work has suffered. “Our church planters find it very difficult these days to go out because they are being spotlighted by the guerillas. Many of them have not had the freedom that they’ve had in the past to go out. So we’re really praying that God will bring a resolution to this whole problem.”
However, Christianity Today is quoted as saying that the church in Nepal is the second fastest growing church in any country in the world.
The main problem, though the number of the believers has increased, is the declining ratio of Christian workers in the mission field which is keeping people from hearing the Gospel.
That means that the mission field is severely lacking sincere workers. Click here if you want to get involved in supporting a project or the overall ministry.