USA (MNN) — Reaching the uttermost parts of the earth is something Mission Aviation Fellowship takes seriously. Their mission is clear: Sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed. But, how can they do that without people?
The obvious answer is, they can't. That's why they need people like you to help them. Brian Behal is MAF's East Coast Recruiter and says while the needs are great, "Thankfully we're not at the point of having to close fields because of not having the personnel. There are, on most of our fields, opportunities that are not being met because we don't have enough people or airplanes on the field to meet those needs."
MAF works in Congo, Ecuador, Haiti, Indonesia, Lesotho, Mozambique, and Thailand.
The need for workers is vast. Behal says, "We could use probably 20 to 25 pilot/mechanics. [Every year we also need teachers for Missionary Kid education.] We've got a couple of business/finance spots that are open; [We] also [need those with] computer and learning technology skills. If [someone] came to us right now [with these skills], we've got a place on the field where we could put them."
In the mean time, while the work continues, some requests for services are being denied. That means people aren't hearing the Gospel and some physical needs aren't being addressed.
While Behal considers himself more of a missions 'mobilizer' than a recruiter, there's one clear purpose to MAF's calling. He says, "We want to make sure that we keep the message of the Gospel in the forefront. A lot of people think MAF is all about the airplanes, but we like to say the airplane is just a tool. It's actually about the people. That tool allows us to get in to some places and speak to some people that may be otherwise not able to hear."
If you're feeling called to join MAF, the first thing you can do is go to their website at http://www.MAFrecruiting.org , or you can call 1-800-FlysMAF and speak to their recruiting department.