USA (MNN) — Many churches around the United States find it difficult to keep missions in front of their congregations. Sometimes it's the lack of information. It may also be the lack of man-power to gather information. Or, maybe the information they do have is out-of-date by the time it reaches them.
Mission Network News is helping fill that void with bulletin inserts that are colorful and full of information to help churches pray effectively, give more proactively, or go more decisively.
The inserts are produced each month, says MNN's anchor and executive director, Greg Yoder. "We didn't produce these in a vacuum. We put together a focus group of pastors and asked them what they thought was needed. We're giving them what they think their church needs in order to be more missions minded," says Yoder.
He continues, "Many of the pastors told us they appreciated what was out there, but most of the information was outdated and many times didn't provide any action points — how to get involved. So we make sure every story that's featured has some kind of call to action — a call to pray, a call to give, or a call to go."
That's a theme that's carried over from the radio broadcast and Web site.
The two-sided insert features the month's top from the Mission Network News radio broadcast and Web site features.
While the bulletin inserts aren't free, they are reasonably priced so that costs for printing and postage are covered.
If you're interested in an MNN bulletin insert subscription for your church, go to https://www.mnnonline.org/resources/bulletins/ to see a sample and subscribe.