USA (MNN) — Theologian John Wesley once said, “You have one business on earth – to save souls.” That’s exactly what e3 Partners wants to help Christians do.
When it comes to participating in the Great Commission, sometimes it’s hard for believers to know where to start. Or maybe they want to do more for the Kingdom, but don’t know what exactly.
Jeff Johnston with e3 Partners says, “We believe that the local Church is the vehicle through which God can reach the whole world. We know that God ultimately can do all of this without us, but He allows us to be a part of it and we’re grateful for that.
“What we’re trying to do is to help mobilize the local Church to be those laborers in the harvest — to be the people that are going out and sharing the Gospel with people, discipling people, [and] raising up more disciples and leaders for Christ.”

(Photo courtesy of Charles via Unsplash)
In their ‘coming alongside’ model, e3 Partners offers several resources for congregations that want to partner with them.
“We have things like Gospel trainings where we train congregations on how to share the Gospel in a quick and effective way. We train them on how to share their own testimonies and how to start Bible studies with other people and start discipling people,” Johnston says.
“We also take mission trips all over the world. We can take a mission trip with a church group or with several church groups or with just a bunch of different people to really any place that they feel passionate about.”
They also send out long-term missionaries — many of whom went on an e3 Partners mission trip or come from churches that work with the ministry.
Another way e3 Partners supports churches in the Great Commission is through prayer. The ministry and their friends dedicate time every day to pray for Gospel workers.
Johnston says their inspiration comes from Jesus’s words to the disciples in Luke 10:2. “He says, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ So…we set alarms on our phones at 10:02 am every day and we pray to God every day to raise up more laborers for his harvest field.”
Are you ready to take that first step and go deeper in God’s mission around the world?

(Photo courtesy of e3 Partners)
“If you have a passion for reaching your own neighborhood, if you have a passion for a particular country across the world, whatever it may be, we would love for you to join with us and get involved in reaching people.”
You can learn more about e3 Partners’ Gospel trainings here!
To check out mission trips with e3 Partners, click here!
And you can also advance the Kingdom by supporting e3 Partners financially here!
Finally, no matter how you choose to get involved, Johnston presents a request anyone can do: “I would just ask everyone to pray. We would love for as many people as possible to join us at 10:02 am every day. Set an alarm on your own phone or your calendar or wherever it may be and just pray to God every day at 10:02 am asking Him to continue raising up more laborers for the harvest.”
If saving souls is truly our one business on earth, then there can be nothing more important than linking arms with fellow believers to pursue God’s call.
Header photo courtesy of Pixabay.