Bhutan (MNN/GFA) — Despite new
believers' testimonies of independently choosing to follow Christ, Bhutanese
authorities oppose the Gospel For Asia ministry there.
GFA missionary Amil Romir now faces charges of forcibly converting people
through the allurement of film. Bhutanese
officials interrogated Amil and 30 other Christians.
On June 24, officials interrupted a worship service and issued Amil and the
believers a warrant, summoning them to a hearing. The authorities had noticed
the tremendous fruit Amil's ministry produced and wanted to put a stop to more
people choosing to put their faith in Jesus.
On June 30, Amil and the other Christians reported to the authorities'
administrative office. Each believer was questioned individually about how they
became a Christian.
A local official told Amil, "You are not allowed to preach about Jesus
Christ, and you cannot meet together for any kind of church service." He also tried to get the new Christians to
sign a statement saying they would not tell others about Jesus anymore. They
The official would not let the Christians leave unless they promised to come
back to the office every 15 days to clean the building and grounds. The believers had no choice but to comply
although they look forward to being a continual example of Christ's love and
humility to the officials through these acts of service.
Pray that the government authorities will come to Christ. Pray, too that
believers will stand firm in their faith.