Haiti (MNN) — While Hurricane Sandy may have faded from the minds of many, its effects are still present in Haiti.
When the storm hit in late October, flooding destroyed about 70% of crops in Haiti's southern regions. It brought the food crisis resulting from severe drought and tropical storm Isaac to a new low. Before and after Sandy's wrath, Global Aid Network stepped in with help and the hope of the Gospel.
But their response didn't stop there.
Believers serving with GAIN USA — the humanitarian arm of Campus Crusade for Christ — are working on construction projects and teaching local women a trade so they can provide for their families. They're also helping with mobile vision clinics.
Working alongside Nehemiah Vision Ministries, the team is helping Haitians in Chambrun rebuild their lives, piece by piece. As workers bring relief to physical needs, doors open to deeper conversations. They're able to share the hope of Christ and present the Gospel through a bead bracelet presentation.
It's expanding the Kingdom of God.
At one mobile vision clinic, team members attended to the needs of some 200 people. Of those patients, 35 prayed to receive Christ. Pray that these new believers would get involved in a local church.
Tomorrow, GAIN USA team members will complete their work in Haiti and head home. Pray that their actions would leave a lasting impression for the Gospel. Pray that this experience would deepen the faith of team members.