Uganda (MNN) — A Vision Beyond Borders partner is leading a
mission team that will be crisscrossing Uganda over the next six weeks.
Medical facilities don't have the tools they need to
function, especially in the war-torn north. Their partner, whom we'll call "Nadine" will be receiving a container
that contains the medical equipment and supplies VBB donated, as well as books
for the children.
Another VBB team arrives next month for set-up and further training. Their work becomes an integral part of
post-war Uganda. Team members will head
to a hospital in Kalongo with the medical supplies. On their last visit, they found very limited equipment,
few supplies, and great need.
Many of the young adults living in the refugee camps have
never known anything but the camps. Few
were able to continue their schooling once fighting erupted in their area.
Education is necessary, as well as the tools and skills to
make a living. The team is carrying more
seed to help the villages establish small gardens.
In an earlier visit, some of their farming supplies went to the
Family Empowerment Uganda-Canaan Farm in Rakayata village near Masindi. The
farm is a self-sustaining, Christ-centered haven for displaced persons, widows,
families and orphans who have fled the LRA war.
VBB says that this farm has a simple bucket drip irrigation system
and vegetable gardens for the 40 family plots involved in the Women's
Empowerment group. As a result, these
people will have food, even through the dry season
Please keep this team covered in prayer. This outreach is yet another way VBB can be
the hands and feet of Christ.