South Africa (MNN) –We reported previously on Cypress Bible Church’s mission trip to South Africa. The church teamed up with e3 Partners for the journey.
Tony Svendsen said they had the goal of planting churches in the township of Motherwell. “We don’t just go in and share the Gospel in communities and say ‘Good luck!’ Our goal is to establish a repeating model. What does it look like to reach an entire community?”
“When we first partnered with Motherwell, they wanted to plant two churches in a community of 500,000.”
But Svendsen and the team have a bigger vision for Motherwell than just two churches. “The first church we trained was January 2020. This was kind of the beginning of our partnership. We went in, did an initial training, and cast vision for what it would look like to multiply.”
Svendsen says they started by training small groups. “We had the intention of building the identity of churches across these communities. When we came back two years later, that same church had 32 small groups meeting in the community.”
Ask God to raise up leaders for these churches and communities in Motherwell.
Join an e3 Partners trip
Want to join an e3 Partners mission trip to South Africa or a different country? Check out future trips.
Cypress Bible Church plans to take two or three trips a year to South Africa. Svendsen says they may even take more in the future. “As we get interest in South Africa and begin to build a team, there’ll be more and more opportunities. And as churches say, ‘Hey, we want to adopt this part be a part of this strategy,’ we’ll be intentional about setting up trips specifically for other churches to be a part of.”
Header photo courtesy of Danie Bester from Pixabay.